Saturday, June 30, 2007

Interesting study

A fost lansat un nou website, care contine tutoriale video atat pentru linux cat si pentru windows. Va invitam sa-l vizitati.

Today I've decided to start a new category on my vineri triskaideka blog, one with lots of seo articles. I'm just going on with my quest for content building, which I guess will help me later with the vineri triskaideka contest.. So here it is.
I've recently stumbled upon a quite interesting study about how important is the place google lists you on your targeted keyword.
It is debatable how much more traffic a #1 ranking gets compared to say, a #3 or a #10 ranking.Anyway, those listings “above the fold” on a page (anything higher than #4 or #3 depending on your monitor size and resolution) really do get clicked more than those below the fold. Above the fold is anything displayed on the page before you have to start scrolling downward.
This info is not very important for our vineri triskaideka contest, but when you're doing seo for a real website, you should be interested in this kind of info.
A recent study provides some interesting numbers on the subject of ranking vs. percentage of clicks for that position. This study tracked the number of times people clicked on a listing on Google for a given search query:
First Page:
1st position: 30%
2nd position: 15%
3rd position: 7%
4th position: 5%
5th position: 4%
6th position: 4%
7th position: 2%
8th position: 2%
9th position: 3%
10th position: 5%

Second Page:
1stt position: 6%
2nd position: 4%
3rd position: 2%
4th position and beyond <1%

As you can see, if you aren’t on the first two pages, you might as well forget about getting clicked. When was the last time you went to the third page of a search query versus just starting a new search query? :)
That's it for now, vineri triskaideka friends. See you later, and Goodluck. Tupeu out !

vineri triskaideka

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